Empowered Talk

EP 3 - How PAIN Helps us Recover and Become Stronger

Episode Summary

You’ve been told: “We are programmed to run away from feeling pain.” But that’s where you’re wrong. Listen to your body and take action because whenever we hit that mute button, we make it grow and finally let it destroy ourselves. In this episode of Empowered Talk, Ashley and Fred talk about the positive changes pain can have on us and how to handle the feedback reaction. Tune in now!

Episode Notes

1:14 What is pain and why do we fear it?

2:25 The more we endure, the better the result - do we encourage it?

4:07 If we let go, where do we stand? 

5:35 Listen to your pain and give attention to sections - there’s a reaction

6:40 It’s feedback, so make a decision but never ignore it

8:41 We are always dealing with some sort of pain - motivational

11:23 Physical and mental side - what is the parallel?

14;53 Tapping into the uncharted area

16:00 We’re programmed to run away from pain- don’t mute it

17:15 Where are you feeling it? And make a list